Difficulties Feeling Full? Drink More Water

You may have heard a million times that the recommended water intake is about 8 glasses a day. We can have clear cues as to when we are hungry but how do we know when we are thirsty?

You can feel inexplicably tired, lightheaded, headaches, muscle cramps, your pee is darker when dehydrated, you feel cranky with no reason, the smell of your breath can change, and here is a big one, you feel voraciously hungry. That is right. If we are not drinking enough water, we may misinterpret our need for water for food. This means that drinking water throughout the day can support our mood in feeling more stable and feeling less hungry so the likelihood of emotional eating can decrease.

In one study, researchers discovered from having 120 women track their fluid intake that how much water an individual consumes in a day can predict their mood.

Water supports with:

Movement of our lymphatic system flushing out waste in our body

Helping our cells optimally communicate with each other

Regulating our body temperature

Lubricating our joints

Supports our skin health

Helps us to feel mentally clear

Supports our digestion in functioning optimally

Helps maintain blood pressure

Properly functioning kidneys

And much more!

H​ere ​​are some ways ​you can begin to explore getting in more water throughout your day: ​

-Purchase a new water bottle you love that is 16-32 oz and re-fill it 2-4 times a day

-Infuse your water with freshly cut lemons, limes, cucumbers, orange slices, or strawberries

-Set reminders on your phone to drink water in between your meals

-Drink a glass of water after every time you go to the bathroom

-Invest in a water filter to enhance the taste of your water

-Add a pinch of sea salt to support with the absorption of your water

Now can be a great time to invite in some curiosity about what gets in the way for you of drinking more water. If it is simply that you perhaps forget to drink water then the tool of setting reminders on your phone could be most supportive. If you discover you just find water boring and tasteless, using the tool of adding some freshly squeezed lemon or lime or cucumber slices could be supportive to make your water more interesting to drink. Experiment and explore and discover what works for you!